The Steeze Calculator 🌊

Are you a certified steeze OG 😎 or just another regular peasant πŸ’€? Lets find out with our steeze calculator! πŸ”₯
Pick an option for each scenerio below as fast as you can for a more accurate score! Don't overthink it!

What does your crush calls you? πŸ€” (Yes, we need to know!)

You are at the market buying plantains. The market woman says a bunch of 3 small plantains costs 5k. What do you do? πŸ€”

You just finished eating at a local restaurant in your area and you are thirsty AF. Its looking like you are about to faint from dehydration. What do you do? πŸ€”

You are at a party and the multi-millionaires are making it rain, you have 2500 naira on you and you are sure you can 'codedly' pick thirteen 1000 naira notes from the ground. What do you do? πŸ€”

You are suddenly being approached, challenged and questioned by a mad person in a crowded market. What do you do? πŸ€”

You tripped and fell in public, you can feel you are possibly injured. What do you do? πŸ€”